What Causes Foot Numbness When Running?

What Causes Foot Numbness When Running?

Foot numbness is a relatively common problem for runners and is normally easily remedied. You will find numbness in one part of your foot or just in your toes.

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Why is Strength Training Important for Runners?

Why is Strength Training Important for Runners?

Strength training has become a more and more important component of running training. It is now seen as one of the biggest factors that will impact on your speed, endurance and overall performance.

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OneLeg Physio is a global balance challenge that was set up by an Australian Physiotherapist, Glenn Ruscoe. If possible, you should try the single leg balance with your eyes close. You record your 3 best times.

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What is Iliopsoas Strain?

What is Iliopsoas Strain?

An iliopsoas strain is most commonly caused by sudden movements such as sprinting, kicking and changing direction while running.

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Avoiding Injury before the Marathon

Avoiding Injury before the Marathon

Listen to your body and the warning signs it is giving. The two main injury risk factors during marathon training are increasing training load too quickly, and continuing to train with a previous injury

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World Physiotherapy Day: Adding Life to Years

World Physiotherapy Day: Adding Life to Years

World Physiotherapy Day highlights the importance of partaking in physical activity on a regular basis and the benefits this has on our lives.

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Can Orthotics help Lower Back Pain?

Can Orthotics help Lower Back Pain?

Orthotics are devices worn in shoes or runners and are designed to correct foot and ankle alignment. They can assist in changing pressure on certain parts of the foot, therefore relieving symptoms.

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Management of a ruptured Achilles tendon

Management of a ruptured Achilles tendon

A ruptured Achilles tendon can occur if the force and stress placed on the tendon. This stress is too great for the Achilles to tolerate.

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