World Physiotherapy Day: Adding Life to Years
World Physiotherapy Day takes place on Thursday, September 8th and highlights the importance of partaking in physical activity on a regular basis and the benefits this has on our lives.
We now have consistent research confirming the benefits of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise/physical activity:
Decreases blood pressure: this can help to prevent strokes
Decreases blood sugar levels: this helps to prevent the onset of Diabetes
Has a positive effect on mental health; decreasing the risk of depression
Improves cognitive function in people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease
Builds and maintains bone and muscle strength
We require 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week to achieve the positive benefits listed above. The good news is that this can be achieved in "bite size" 10 minute chunks. To achieve all the effects the activity must include some cardio vascular and resistance elements.
Some simple steps to take the "exercise" out of physical activity
There are many ways to make sure that you get adequate physical exercise on a daily basis no matter your daily schedule, age, or ability.
At home
Drop your children 10 minutes from the school gate; walk briskly there and back
While in the house, use the stairs as often as possible
Carry the shopping in from the car and put away in one task
Play hop-scotch, skipping, tag with your children
Wear a pedometer even if it's just to establish what your baseline activity is
At work
Get off the bus a stop early
Use your lunch breaks for exercise and food
Stand at a coffee break rather than sitting down at your desk
For busy families
If your child takes part in any sporting activity, walk a few laps of the pitch while they practice
Try and dedicate some activity time for each adult
Participate in a local community activity such as a 5km run or walk. There are a lot of family friendly walks and runs that both yourself and your children can take part in.
Later years
If you play golf, while on the golf course walk briskly between your shots and from each hole.
Check out your local sports centre for exercise and activity programmes
In the garden, don't shy away from the heavy gardening tasks. Take them on in 10 minute bite-size chunks but don't over exert yourself.
How can Physiotherapists help
Some of the biggest barriers to participating in physical activity are existing aches and pains and fear of making them worse. We can evaluate your existing problems and guide on a paced activity programme. At Ballsbridge Physio, we can advise on general fitness and strengthening exercise. We have experience on guiding patients through long-term illness while maintaining their fitness. If you would like to book an appointment, you can get in contact with us here.
Listen to our clinic director, Aileen Maguire, speaking on Pat Kenny's Newstalk show about World Physiotherapy Day here.
World Physiotherapy Day