Clinic Christmas Hours
The clinic will close at lunchtime on Friday December 23rd and reopen on Tuesday January 3rd. There will be no emergency cover available in the intervening period.

Do I need Physiotherapy after my Hip or Knee Replacement?
A common question we get, or people ask their consultant, is whether they really need physiotherapy after surgery. For us, (we may be biassed) but the answer is YES!

What is a Calf Strain?
Calf strains are common in sports like rugby, football, tennis, athletics, and dancing. They are also more common in men and those over 40 years of age.

The Benefits of Foam Rolling Exercises for Runners
While foam rolling is most commonly carried out post-training, it can also provide many benefits to runners as part of their warm-up routine. The method helps to release tension within muscles.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury
The ACL is a ligament in your knee that helps connect your thigh bone to your shin bone. It prevents the forward movement of the shin bone.

Youth Sport Specialising/Benefits of Playing Different Sports
Staying active as a kid is very important for overall growth and development. Especially as kids’ activity levels are decreasing with the increased prevalence of technology.

Recovery Tips Post Marathon
You have just put your body through a massive amount of stress and it's important to allow for appropriate recovery. Recovery is a crucial part of any intense training plan and unfortunately, it is often forgotten about or neglected.

The Benefits of Using Compression Clothing
Compression clothing are designed to be snug fitting and they come in a range of products such as t-shirts, underwear, socks and tights.