The Benefits of Using Compression Clothing
There has been a rise in popularity of compression clothing in recent years. It's no surprise when we see the benefits that it offers athletes and sports lovers and the way it helps to enhance their performance.
What is Compression Clothing?
Compression clothing are designed to be snug fitting and they come in a range of products such as t-shirts, underwear, socks and tights. These pieces of clothing are generally made out of a Lycra or elasticated material, which help to squeeze and hug the muscles that are key to efficient exercise.
The main science behind compression clothing is that by applying pressure to particular areas of the body you provide more force to help blood return back to the heart, therefore increasing blood flow without using up extra energy.
What Benefits Does they Offer?
There are many benefits to compression clothing, including;
Improve performance - Increasing blood flow for more energy.
Core support & Improved posture - All exercises involve the core, with additional core support, this not only improves your posture but helps with the overall exercise.
Increased lung performance - Muscles in the area of the compression are less likely to become fatigued. By supporting the chest and back it also helps to train your breathing style.
Improves recovery process - Compression tights and socks when used as part of a recovery process can help to delay the onset of muscle soreness after a long run or workout. By gently supporting and compressing areas that are prone to injury such as the calf and quad, compression tights help deliver more oxygen to muscles which in turn keeps muscles warm so that they can work more efficiently.
Decrease injury risk - The compression helps to reduce muscle oscillation, cramping and support weakened areas such as the knees.
As athletes are constantly trying to improve recovery, compression clothing has become increasingly more popular due to the benefits it offers. Wearing compression clothing during and after long periods of exercise can prevent muscle swelling which will result in the delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) and ultimately reduce the recovery time needed after workouts.
Here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic, our physiotherapists are experienced in helping with training and recovery periods. If you have any questions regarding your training style, we can correct any concerns that you may have. Contact us or Book an online appointment today.
Sports Clinic
Our sports clinic is lead by David Richards and Elizabeth Bovich. Together they have an extensive sports background with high level athletes in Ireland and the USA.