Tapering for Marathon Runners
Fiona Cleary Fiona Cleary

Tapering for Marathon Runners

Tapering is the practice in which you significantly reduce the intensity and distance of training in the 2 or 3 weeks leading up to the race. This may seem counterintuitive but recovery from training is as important as the training itself

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Osteoarthritis and Exercise
Fiona Cleary Fiona Cleary

Osteoarthritis and Exercise

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is something that a lot of people have heard of, but there is a lot of misinformation regarding what it is, and what treatments are best.

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Exercise and Cognition for Elderly
Fiona Cleary Fiona Cleary

Exercise and Cognition for Elderly

Many people are familiar with the effects of exercise on your muscles, but it can also help your brain! Exercise is one of the best non-pharmaceutical ways to promote cognitive brain function.

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Returning to Exercise after Covid-19
Fiona Cleary Fiona Cleary

Returning to Exercise after Covid-19

Returning to normal activity really depends on how severe your case of Covid-19 was. For a mild case, you can typically return to exercise shortly after in a graduated return to activity.

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When should you have an X-Ray for an Injury?
Fiona Cleary Fiona Cleary

When should you have an X-Ray for an Injury?

Was the injury sudden? If your pain came on gradually or seems to have had no specific event causing it, then you most likely don’t need an x-ray. Often a course of physiotherapy can rectify the problem.

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Iliotibial Band Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment
Fiona Cleary Fiona Cleary

Iliotibial Band Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment

Many cyclists, runners and hikers suffer with pain on the outside of the knee. This knee pain is often worse with downhill activities, especially downhill running, compression can occur between the ITB and the underlying thigh bone.

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