How to Avoid Common Injuries During a Marathon

How to Avoid Common Injuries During a Marathon

Here are some of the common injuries and complaints that we often see in the clinic. Especially, leading up to the marathon; Calf muscle strain or overuse, Gluteal tendinopathy, Lower back pain, Achilles tendon pain & Shin splints.

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Starting the New Year Right

Starting the New Year Right

How can you make a life-long change this year rather than falling off the fitness wagon mid-February. We here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic would like to help.

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Marathon Training Part 2: Injury Prevention

Marathon Training Part 2: Injury Prevention

Injury prevention is easier than trying to resolve them, particularly when you’re on a long run or worse again during the marathon.

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Hip Flexor Strain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hip Flexor Strain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The hip flexor muscles are connected from the pelvis, lower back and groin area to the femur bone. Their job is to move the femur bone upwards toward your chest, flexing the hip joint.

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Quad Strain Recovery

Quad Strain Recovery

The quad is the muscle located at the front of the thigh and comprises of four separate muscles to make up the quadriceps unit. This includes vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris.

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