Can Wearing Orthotics Affect Your Running Performance?

Can Wearing Orthotics Affect Your Running Performance?

Orthotics are inserts which can be custom made or purchased off the shelf. Your foot is more mechanically efficient when you use orthotic inserts

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Ergonomics and its Importance

Ergonomics and its Importance

Research has shown that the most common work-related injury is lower back pain. By reducing ergonomic risk factors, you are reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries such as lower back pain.

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Ironman 70.3 Dublin: All you need to know

Ironman 70.3 Dublin: All you need to know

Ironman 70.3 Dublin takes place on August 20th. At this stage, you should be well into your training program. This aiming to peak at the end of July and begin your taper with 3-4 weeks remaining.

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Long Distance Cycling Tips

Long Distance Cycling Tips

Long distance cycling training is often difficult as you have to combine endurance training, speed training and also mentally prepare for the challenge of being on the bike for so long.

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Tough Mudder Tips

Tough Mudder Tips

Tough Mudder is a 21km obstacle course which will test your physical and mental strength and stamina. The course was designed by the British Armed Forces and with up to 35 obstacles.

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Phoenix Park Duathlon: Tips to get you ready

Phoenix Park Duathlon: Tips to get you ready

The Phoenix Park Duathlon Series, sponsored by Mason Hayes & Curran, is returning to Dublin’s Phoenix Park. The first race took place on April 22nd with a further 2 races due to take place on June 7th and July 5th.

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Strength Training for Cyclists: Pros and Cons

Strength Training for Cyclists: Pros and Cons

Strength training for cyclists has been a topic of conversation for many years. There are many arguments for and against including strength training as part of your fitness regime if you are looking to improve your cycling.

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Rehabilitation for a Calf Muscle Tear

Rehabilitation for a Calf Muscle Tear

A calf muscle tear or calf strain, involves the tearing of the fibres within the muscle of the lower leg. These tears can range from being mild to very severe depending on the cause of the injury.

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