Subacromial bursitis – what is it and how can physiotherapy help
A bursa is a sac of fluid that prevents friction between tendons and bone. The most common injured bursa tends to be the subacromial bursa in the shoulder.
How Pilates Benefits Running
Pilates perfectly complements running, as it is low impact and can be extremely beneficial in improving running technique and preventing injury.
Can Orthotics help Lower Back Pain?
Orthotics are devices worn in shoes or runners and are designed to correct foot and ankle alignment. They can assist in changing pressure on certain parts of the foot, therefore relieving symptoms.
Management of a ruptured Achilles tendon
A ruptured Achilles tendon can occur if the force and stress placed on the tendon. This stress is too great for the Achilles to tolerate.
Pilates Healing your body: The benefits of Pilates
Pilates exercises are designed to give an individual the opportunity to develop optimal strength, flexibility and endurance using movements that aren’t stressful on the joints and won’t build bulk.
Tough Mudder Tips
Tough Mudder is a 21km obstacle course, which will test your physical and mental strength and stamina. It is advised that you must be able to comfortably run 10 – 12km continuously
Get out running: Malahide Castle 10km
Whether it is your first 10km, or you are a veteran 10km runner, preparation is equally as important and makes the event far more enjoyable and stress free.
Top Cycling Training Tips for a Beginner Cyclist
Before you start cycling training sessions it is important to make sure that you are fully equipped and prepared for the journey ahead. The following tips will ensure that beginner cyclist get the most out of your training sessions.