Preparing for Pregnancy 3- 5 Tips on How to Stay Fit While Pregnant
The habits that you form now should be carried forward so that you remain fit and healthy for your new little introduction to your family unit.

Starting the New Year Right
How can you make a life-long change this year rather than falling off the fitness wagon mid-February. We here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic would like to help.

Common Ski Injuries & How to Avoid Them
Preparation for a ski holiday is key and can prove to be extremely beneficial in improving your fitness and energy levels while on the slopes.

Hot or Cold Therapy: Which Treatment is Best?
When it comes to treating muscle or joint injuries, two of the most popular and effective methods for alleviating pain are applying heat or ice to the area.

Tendonitis: Cause, Symptoms and Treatment
It is important to seek professional help from a chartered Physiotherapist to aid you in your recovery. Often rehabilitation and recovery can be lengthy.

Sciatic Nerve Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc. A herniated disc occurs when the softer interior of the disc pushes out through the tough exterior of the disc.

Hip Flexor Strain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The hip flexor muscles are connected from the pelvis, lower back and groin area to the femur bone. Their job is to move the femur bone upwards toward your chest, flexing the hip joint.

Quad Strain Recovery
The quad is the muscle located at the front of the thigh and comprises of four separate muscles to make up the quadriceps unit. This includes vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris.