What is Metatarsalgia?
The main bones of the foot are called the metatarsals, and pain and/or irritation felt in these bones is known as metatarsalgia.

Why is it important to do my prescribed exercises?
You have just finished your most recent physiotherapy session and your physiotherapist has given you a couple of exercises to do. You might be wondering if you really need to do them especially if you are starting to feel better.

Temporomandibular (TMJ) Dysfunction – What is it and how is it treated?
TMJ, is the place where your jaw connects to your skull. For being so small, it is a very complex and important joint we use in everyday life without thinking about it

VHI Mini Marathon - Blog Series 5
This month in anticipation for the VHI Mini Marathon, we will be doing a special blog series covering important topics. This week is about Race Week and how to prepare.

VHI Mini Marathon - Blog Series 4
This month in anticipation for the VHI Mini Marathon, we will be doing a special blog series covering important topics. This week is about Running and incontinence with practical tips.

VHI Mini Marathon - Blog Series 3
This month in anticipation for the VHI Mini Marathon, we will be doing a special blog series covering important topics. This week is about shoes and cross training.

VHI Mini Marathon - Blog Series 2
During your VHI Mini Marathon training it is important to incorporate recovery days! Running is demanding and your body needs rest/active recovery for 1-3 days per week

VHI Mini Marathon - Blog Series 1
While training for the VHI Mini Marathon it is very important to add in warm-ups and a cool downs to your daily training plan. Completing a warm-up will not only prevent injury, but will allow your body to properly adapt to running.